If you look at the results below you'll notice that the Tim Cards, GPS and Boat are pretty much fairly distributed throughout each of the regions. However, you'll notice quite the difference for the Matrix.
The spreadsheet to quickly view this information
has been included here.First thing I noticed are there are almost 300 million contest cups this year - 282,492,000 to be exact.
Your overall odds of winning the Matrix are about 1 in 8 million.
However you have the best chance of winning the Matrix is in region 4 which is Quebec (excludes Bas St.-Laurent, aspsie & Iles-de-la-Madeleine) & Labrador. Your odds of winning the Matrix there are 1 in 5.5 million. The worst place to have a chance at the Matrix is in Ontario, where your odds are 1 in 10 million.
I thought the differences in odds were interesting, what do you guys think of this?