Buzz at The Blog According to Buzz has pointed out that Tim Horton's Cups are not recyclable. This seems to really bother him and he ultimately suggests "Got a problem with Tim’s doing this promo, again? Let ‘em know:" and he proceeds to give contact information.
I might have missed the boat but what does this promotion (a fantastic one I might add) have to do with the cups not being recyclable? Is it being suggested that without this contest that people would bring reusable mugs in to be filled up? I find that notion hard to believe.
Sure, you might be displeased with the cups not being recyclable but please - I think your anger is misguided by attacking the Roll Up The Rim To Win contest!
What does everyone else think?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tim's Cups Not Recyclable
roll up the rim to win,
tim hortons
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Nice Google AdWords site, dude.
It's called the environment. It's in bad shape. Things you can't recycle end up in landfills. And while that might be okay for your endless pursuit of a free sandwich, a corporation should know better. Period.
Errr.... AdSense. Look! I recycled my comment instead of throwing it away.
Hey, thanks for reading my article.
Here's the scenario at my Tim's this morning. I go in with a travel mug, get my double double and the clerk puts an empty, clean, unused mug on the counter beside my full cuppa joe.
Why? So I can roll up the rim.
I wouldnt have so much of a problem with this promotion if a) the cups were made of recycled products (they're not) b) the cups were recyclable (they're not)
The contest actually encourages waste. It encourages pollution. Even those bringing in reusable cups are still given waste.
A simple pull tab or scratch ticket would have the same effect and give Tim's the chance to save face by coming out as an empathetic corporate citizen.
As I mention in my original post,, the environment is a bit of a cause celebre right now, cash in on it!
@ meaghan c, how does this contest hurt the environment? I and 95% of people who visit Tim's do not use a travel mug - roll up the rim season or not.
@ buzz, so did you politely decline the cup? I think them filling up travel mugs with more coffee than the amount in a regular cup is pretty good of Tim Horton's. They even give you a discount for using a travel mug!
The extra coffee you drink in the travel mug hurts the environment. More coffee beans have to be trucked here because of this. Generating more and more green house gases.
@ meaghan c and buzz - don't tell me its the environment and my endless pursuit of a free sandwich is the cause of the problems.
@ meaghan c,
Normal Tim's cups are NOT recyclable.
And when did I say that I never recycle?
Wow, trash my site calling it a google adwords site, then be completely wrong about the subject and delete the comment!
You're really coming off like quite the asshat, dawg.
It's 2008, not 1956. Pull your head out of the ground and bring a nice shiny mug to your drive thru tomorrow morning.
I double DAWG dare you.
You use a drive-thru? Seriously. A drive-thru. Environmentally conscious by using a travel mug but using a drive-true. I guess its OK if you're driving a hybrid!
BTW, you never did tell me - did you turn down the roll up the rim?!
There really isn't any excuse to NOT use a travel mug...that is unless you claim ignorance. I think the idea of a pull-tab or a scratch ticket is a fabulous idea and what's even more fab is those who bring in their own mug should be rewarded for their effort and be given extra tickets.
If we're so concerned about using non recyclable products then don't support the organization at all by buying their coffee in order to try and win a free coffee or donut!
And you 'PC' people make me laugh when you turn up for your non-recyclables at the drive thru. But, of course, you are paying your carbon credits - right??
Relax and enjoy the excitement of trying to beat the odds in what is probably the most successful marketing promotion in Canadian history
A pull tab or a scratch ticket wouldn't do the contest justice. It needs to be a roll up the rim!
Do you know that all the material from a scratch ticket contains material that is harmful to the environment?
But go ahead, I'm the bad person for enjoying the roll up the rim to win. You continue to idle in the drive through with your travel mug to make yourself feed better. And still rolling up the rim for your chance to win!
Not to mention the soaps used to wash your travel mug are extremely dangerous!
Hey Philip,
Thanks - I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me in seeing their hypocritical ways.
I don't do the drive thru...pull tabs would do just fine...and not all detergents are harmful. Lucky for me I don't even like Tim's coffee so it's non issue for me, I just hope everyone can do their part while enjoying the fattening donuts.
Great debate!
No need for names here, but I KNOW that Tims cups are in fact recyclable...the problem is that the recycling companies who aren't recycling them. Tims is currently working with the recycling companies to have their cups recycled into carry-out trays. They are actually close to getting this worked out in Newfoundland.
I must say though...I enjoyed seeing the hypocrisy too Dawger. The thing I find funny is how all the "environment-types" bag on Tim Hortons because you see coffee cups on the side of the road, but it's because the cups are so recognizable. Think about it...McDonalds, KFC, and Mary Browns all use 100% paper products that end up in landfills – boxes, cups, bags, plastic forks, etc. Tims only uses bags and cups...all of their eat-in guests enjoy silverware and china mugs/plates! Something to think about.
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