Also, for those of you with a Country Style in your area Boo Radley has confirmed they will be giving away free coffee for each "Please Play Again" rim. As MediaInCanada explained they will be giving a free medium coffee for each non-winning rim from Tim Horton's from March 3rd to the 9th. They go on to explain this is a "promo hijack" and are using various viral marketing avenues including Facebook postings to promote it!
This, my friends, is a massive XTRA-LARGE Smoothie from Tim Horton's. I used my "Win Coffee" rim to get this. Many people don't know, but the free coffee rim's can be used to get any hot beverage in ANY SIZE.
I know, its not that big of a deal. But for those of you out there who like to get the most out of everything this is a good tip.
To make the best of it, I won another coffee from this roll up the rim.
This now brings my totals to 2 wins in 4 chances. Not quite as good as Boo Radley's 2 wins in 3 chances but its well above the stated 1 in 9 posted odds!
I didn't win anything yesterday :(
We found this out the other day.
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